Professional Summary

Experienced Machine Learning Engineer with 5+ years of hands-on experience in AI and NLP. Led award-winning personalized recommendation systems at TIME magazine, achieving a 42.97% open rate. Skilled in collaborating on innovative product strategies with executives and partners. Seeking to advance AI research through a Masters/Ph.D. program.

Research Intrest


Work Experience


Languages: Python (5 years), C (6 months), C++ (6 months)

Libraries: Numpy Pandas, Matplotlib, Plotly, Seaborn, SciPy, Scikit-learn, NLTK, Tensorflow, OpenCV, FastAPI

Cloud Platforms and Services MLOps: Google Cloud Platform(GCP): VertexAI, Compute Engine, Cloud Run, Cloud Function, Cloud Build, Triggers, Load Balancing, Cloud Schedulers, GCS Bucket, Cloud Monitoring, Discovery Engine, Gemini, Datastores, Vector Search/Matching Engine, Agent Builder Tool.

Database: SQL, BigQuery (BQ), MongoDB

Version Control: Git, GitHub

ML Algoirthms: Linear/Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest, NB, SVM, KNN, KMeans, PCA

Deep Learning Architectures: MLP, DNN, CNN, RNN, LSTM, AutoEncoders, Transformers

Soft Skills: Leadership, Teamwork, Communication, Presentation skills, Problem-solving

Others: A/B testing

Academic/Personal Projects

Nepali Cash Detection and Recognition (2019 - 2023)

Detecting and recognizing Nepali cash using InceptionV3 (open sourced)

Disease NER on Clinical Data (2022)

NER to detect disease form clinical text

JobsForSkills (Final Year Project, 2020)

Scraps recommended jobs for users based on their skills on the platform
